Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fearless! Sort of....

I'm just going to say it...Starting a business where you are your own boss is SCARY! That's right. I said it. Sometimes it is downright terrifying.

There are many reasons it is so frightening. You're success or failure is a reflection on no one other than yourself. You are using your own money to try and get this up and running, not some corporation you have no personal attatchment to. What if no one likes my product? Worse than that...what if no one BUYS my product. Scary, right?

Many people who haven't ventured into the unknown yet and followed their dream of working for themselves let the fears of these things overpower them. They wish they could do what they love, but are stopped by fear.

My advice : There will ALWAYS be fear. There is always a reason not to try something. Trust me, you're not the only one who has those fears! We all do. You just have to overcome them and persevere.

Take that leap you've been afraid to take! (In any aspect of life, not just business) Sure, it can and probably will be scary. But if nothing else...you can say that you DID IT! And won't that feel good?

"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot."-Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. This is very true it IS scary but good push because we should not be afraid

  2. Inspirational thoughts. We all get that scary feeling when we try something new. It passes and we are stronger for the experience.

  3. Very true and if we don't push and try we miss great opportunities :))

  4. Great post! I am scared all the time. LOL-- thanks for the encouragement!

  5. so true!!! oh man.. but you have the upsides too!!! you create your own schedule!! :)

  6. Couldn't have said it better myself!! I was absolutley petrified to put myself out there. But I did on etsy, it seemed easier because I didnt have to be face to face with anyone. Heck, I've even done 2 craft shows now.

  7. I love this! It takes loads of courage to put yourself out there.
    My father and mother put everything they had into starting a business with several little children in tow, talk about scary, luckily it was a success.

  8. It can be a little nerve racking at first, but once you get going - being your own boss is the best!

  9. Very well said, after 11 years in business, lots of prayer and tears, I am still hanging in there. It's harder to work solely for yourself, but Oh So Much More Rewarding!!!

  10. Very true, and I really you for being able to do this with so many little kids.

  11. This is a wonderful post. You're so right, "There will always be fear", but it's the path to Reward!

  12. Great post! Thank you for sharing! :)

  13. Thanks for sharing! Great quote the one at the end.

  14. I understand what you're saying 100%! Or, as Gomer Pyle would say, "I'm behind you one hundred and TEN percent!"

    Love the Eleanor Roosevelt quote. What an amazing first lady she was!

  15. Very inspirational. Applicable to many things in life!
    Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard

  16. Eleanor Roosevelt was right on the mark!

  17. Such a true post! It is scary to start........but the reward will be worth it if we all persevere!!!!!

  18. uniquecozytreasures.. Great Encouragement!

  19. It certainly is scary, but that hasn't stopped lots of courageous people (including us) from doing what we want! :)

  20. So true! Once you take the leap the fears don't subside, they just move to different aspects of your business.

  21. Great post and I love the quote.
