Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Festivals and New Bows

So, it was hotter than the pits of Hades on Saturday for the Brick & Rolling Pin Festival. But I had a blast with my friend Shannon (yes...we are aware that our names are very similar...yes, we know it's confusing). She came down to help me out and I was glad to have the time to chat with her.

Got to show off my new banner....of course we ended up having to batten down the hatches on EVERYTHING. Every now and then we'd get a steaming hot gust of wind and it would whip everything around.

The rack you see there with the tutus actually fell on my head at one point when the wind blew....FANTASTIC!

Overall we had a pretty sweet setup...I'm really proud of those chairs you see, they are SUPER comfy! and we had two canopies so the one in back was just for us to be shaded (good thing to as it got up to 110+ degrees)

I tried fried Kool-Aid...ummm...I didn't get a pic though as it was gone as soon as I realized it was absolutely DELICIOUS!

And...on to the new bows...I have listed three new bows.

 Pretty In Paisley Bitty Bow
 Bubble Gum Blast Diva Dazzle Bow
Camo Cutie Diva Dazzle Bow

I love the Bubble Gum Blast bow...it's my favorite of the Diva Dazzle Bows so far. Which one is your favorite?


  1. Very nice! I bet you wish you could have jumped into that pond as a way to cool off lol

    Love your work - My fav would have to be the bubble gum blast too =)

  2. Gotta love those outdoor shows!! Hope you did well.

  3. I liked the Camo Cutie best. Love the displays...very professional.

    That kind of heat is wicked.

    Can't envision the kool-aid. LOL

  4. shows are so fun, but 110 degrees is too much


  5. @Symbolic Yes I did!!! However the pond wasn't the cleanest pond in the world...but towards the end of the day I was starting to consider it.

  6. @Susie & Calliope

    I know, right? I saw it on their list of items and was baffled about how you make fried Kool Aid. It's a dough made with Kool Aid and then it's is fried kind of like a donut or funnel cake...and has sugar on the outside. SO yummy

  7. Great set-up for the festival, and I LOVE the new paisley bow :)

  8. cute, cute....looks like you had fun....I will be doing a craft show next week....wish me luck....

  9. I love the Camo Cutie Diva Dazzle! Glad you had a great time :)

  10. The camo cutie bows are super-cute! =)

  11. I like the Pretty In Paisley Bitty Bow the most :)

  12. Your booth looks great and the location is pretty. Too bad it was such a sizzler that day♨ I'm with you ... lovin the Bubble Gum Blast Diva Dazzle Bow

  13. love the banner! Hope you had a great time:)

  14. That new banner is gorgeous! Everything looked so great.
